
  • Lt. Bhupinder
  • Ms. Shweta Raj
  • Dr. Anil Kumar
  • Mr. Bharat Bhatt
  • Dr. Kanwal Jeet Singh




Empowering Leadership, Turnover Intention, Meta-Analysis


This meta-analysis explores the relationship between Empowering Leadership and Turnover Intention from 2011 to 2021. Adhering to PRISMA guidelines, six studies (k=06) were meticulously selected, and the Random Effects Model was applied for analysis. Results show a consistent negative correlation (r=-0.32), emphasizing the strategic role of Empowering Leadership in reducing turnover intentions. Confidence intervals, prediction intervals, low heterogeneity (I²: 0.00%), and non-significant publication bias support result robustness. Our findings guide organizational leaders in fostering a culture of Empowering Leadership for enhanced commitment and stability amidst talent retention challenges.


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How to Cite

Bhupinder, L., Raj, S., Kumar, A., Bhatt, B., & Jeet, K. (2023). EXPLORING THE DYNAMICS OF EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP AND TURNOVER INTENTION: A META-ANALYTICAL PERSPECTIVE (2011-2021). VIDYA - A JOURNAL OF GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, 2(2), 316–322. https://doi.org/10.47413/vidya.v2i2.286


